Stop press: the Captain was voted Businessman of the Year
It’s a rare thing to find me at a loss for words but after receiving such news, emotion compels me to be brief. For at a rather splendid dinner hosted by Lord Mayor with Lynn News at the Kings Lynn Corn Exchange, Captain Fawcett Ltd was awarded the accolade Small Business of the Year. From modest beginnings in a Norfolk kitchen, to be granted this honour was really quite something. I confess, I might even have shed a tear, for to quote that fine woman of Norfolk and recent Academy Award winner Olivia Coleman “It’s genuinely quite stressful.”
And to cap it all, your humble Captain was voted Businessman of the Year. As custom appears to have it, I had at that moment, just popped out to send a telegram to my mother who was hosting her Friday Mah Jong evening in Blackpool and thus the award was graciously accepted by my unflinchingly loyal Right Hand Man, Richard Finney. He’s a somewhat shy, retiring chap, nonetheless, some of you might have heard of him. On behalf of us both, sincerest thanks to all at Fawcett HQ and beyond whose hard work and enthusiasm contributes to the success of this small but merry band. I, chums, am merely the conductor.

I should like to thank the Lord Mayor for a simply splendid evening in the company of the good business folk of West Norfolk, a justly proud region. I congratulate all those nominated for their marvellous work. To be recognised in such fine and equally deserving company is honour indeed. What a night!
Photo Credit: Ian Ward (@ianward09)