#Project60: The World's best beards to help fight skin cancer

#Project60 is a monumental portrait series featuring some of the world’s most famous bearded gentlemen, and now also a delightful lady by the name of Harnaam Kaur. It has been masterminded by Mr Elbank, an esteemed English photographer who has recently returned from Australia after nine years of award winning work to create this timeless artifact with an important, life-saving message.
I am honoured to be involved, in my own small way, by supplying our bearded subjects with my moustache waxes and beard oil before each portrait session.
Thanks to widespread media coverage in The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The Huffington Post, Metro and BuzzFeed, #Project60 has been elevated to an even greater importance for the people of Britain and indeed those overseas. As well as preserving these icons in all their photogenic glory, they will form a body of work which will help launch an important cancer fighting initiative by the name of Beard Season.
Beard Season is a non profit movement inviting gentlemen (and ladies if so gifted) to grow their beards for winter, get a skin check, and become an ambassador in the fight against melanoma.
Four years ago Mr Jimmy Niggles lost one of his best pals to melanoma at the age of 26. His name was Wes Bonny, and at his wake a group of his friends decided to start something which would encourage more people to have regular skin checks - a missing part of the solution for one of the world’s deadliest but most preventable cancers.
Not many men of their age had beards in those days and because his melanoma was on his neck they decided to cover up from the sun and let their facial follicles flourish, encouraging everyone who asked about them to have a skincheck and share Wes’ story.
Since launching in Australia Beard Season has recruited hundreds of ambassadors from over 27 countries, referred thousands of skin checks and enjoyed an average of one message a week from someone who has met a Beard Season ambassador, booked a skin check and found something which potentially could have killed them.
Melanoma kills more people in the UK and US than anywhere else in the world, second only to Australia. So by launching Beard Season in the Northern Hemisphere with a series like #Project60, we have a wonderful opportunity to make a big difference.
The best way for you to keep abreast of news from #Project60 is to follow our various social media thingummy pages which I shall list below. Thank you for your support chums.
Warm regards, Fawcett.